Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Under Her Mantle

Mother of Love and MercyMost Holy Mother, Holy Mother, Spirit of light, Queen of heaven and earth, Strength from above, Intercessor of love for Her children she calls to Jesus.
She is light, She is intercessor. haeven She teaches us how to pray to God, to Her Son, Jesus and Spouse the Holy Spirit. She is filled with love for her wayward ones, ones far awa, revellious and those who displease her Son. She gathers souls in her mantle as roses to give to her son Jesus. That is the joy of her heart.
She is Mother of love and mercy. Oh mary, our Mother loved by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, gift to the world. Pray for me that I may always be faithful, remain close to your hearts, and follow the will of the father.I especially ask for your continual love and mercy for all those I mention now ____ who still are deaf to your call and are distant from your Son Jesus, that they may return and be as roses to fill your mantle.

1 comment:

  1. It has been a lonnnnnng time since I have been here; and ohe, what I am missing. Merci, sweet Patty ... for all you do to guide us to our Heavenly home. Praying for you and yours. Dieu te benisse!!! Cajun Sissy Macile
